EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: Killing People Update 2.

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GANG WARS: Primeiro Comando da Capital gang members behead rival in Brazil You realize, the world we live in, is not the world that is promoted through mainstream media. The real world shows people from different cultures and different ideas on what justice is. E.g., in Brazil, Mexico, and other countries, numerous gangs fight for tertiary and willing to kill anybody they disagree with.

The globalist wants to band guns in the United States, and this puts people at the mercy of the gangs, who are becoming established amongst the Latino population in the United States. These gangs have no problems getting guns, so by banning guns, you will only create a black market for ordinary people to buy them illegally for their protection.

The context of this website should be shown on national television because it keeps you in the world of reality and stops you going into the world of make-believe; that everything is fine. Let’s end the illusion and show the real-world.


Another One: Gang member dismembered by op

 Guest • a month ago

A man’s life is worthless, sad reality of things.

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 GRAPHIC: Opponents take turns shooting a rival faction member dead (Rewind Clip)

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 Gang banger betrays his crew, they knew it… Butcher him with severe blows to the neck

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GRAPHIC: Brazilian inmate gets beheaded, they poke out his eyes and play soccer with his head

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EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: Gang members behead a rival with a scythe


This site is exceptionally graphic. thehoodsite

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JUST BRUTAL: Girl stabbed in the stomach while getting beheaded by rival faction members (Rewind Clip)

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GRAPHIC: Gang members trick a rival, pretend to be from the same gang, brutally kill him later that night

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 Inmate-shot-dead-stabbed-el-pozo-prison-graphic-video Inmate riddled with bullets and stabbed to death in maximum security prisonGRAPHIC: Gang member killed with machete and shotgun in Brazil

 GRAPHIC: Girl gunned down by rival gang members in Brazil

Gang members butchered by rivals in an act of vengeance for allegedly killing females of their crew

Prison yard madness leaves gang members beheaded by rivals in Brazil

https://hoodsite.com/another-gang-member-gets-executed-by-rivals-in-brazil Another gang member gets executed by rivals in Brazil

 GRAPHIC: Rival shot dead in the slums, left gushing in the middle of the street

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Woman involved in drug trafficking shot dead in Manaus, Brazil

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  Gang member questioned about his crew’s whereabouts and shot dead by rivals

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 Woman stabs husband to death at a bar in Brazil

BRAZIL – A woman stabbed her husband to death at a bar in Sao Paulo. 

CCTV footage shows the woman, only known as Edjane, stab 39-year-old Genivaldo.

Edjane and Genivaldo were married for eight years before the tragedy, and had three daughters together.

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GRAPHIC VIDEO: Man stabbed to death in Southall, London

A man was allegedly hit by a car and stabbed to death at around 4am on Monday morning in Southall, London.

22-year-old Sufi Osman was pronounced dead at 5:26 am, despite being rushed to the hospital.

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